Derbyshire CCC record pre-tax profits for second successive year

Derbyshire's ground played host to international cricket this summer. (Photo by Nathan Stirk/Getty Images)Derbyshire's ground played host to international cricket this summer. (Photo by Nathan Stirk/Getty Images)
Derbyshire's ground played host to international cricket this summer. (Photo by Nathan Stirk/Getty Images)
Derbyshire County Cricket Club have recorded a pre-tax surplus for the second summer in a row.

The latest financial results, released this week, show the Falcons made a profit of £0.668m for 2020, comparted to £0.4m in 2019.

Chairman Ian Morgan said the results underlined the excellent response of the club in handling the COVID pandemic.

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“If I could sum up 2020, I would say that what happened was unexpected, unprecedented and unwelcome,” he said.

"However, despite the adversity I am pleased to record the surplus we have, highlighting the magnificent response to the crisis by everyone at Derbyshire County Cricket Club both on and off the field.

"On behalf of everyone associated with the Club, I would like to again thank our Members and supporters for their exceptional generosity and support throughout the pandemic.

The Club originally budgeted for a surplus of £0.55m, however the impact of Covid-19 immediately hit a number of major revenue streams, including ticketing and conference and events.

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It meant budgeted revenue loss totalled over £1.8million across the year, and forced the club to take a number of actions to protect its finances.

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Ryan Duckett, Chief Executive, said proactice decisions helped the club minimise any damage.

He said: “We immediately had to change our business plan to protect the club in what was and continues to be a very uncertain time.

"The proactive decisions we took allowed us to minimise the impact of lost revenue as well as the fantastic support we had from our members and commercial partners.

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“We were also able to play our part in protecting the international cricket schedule.”

Derbyshire received £0.46m of Government Job Retention Scheme and received over £0.2m from the ECB for being a bio secure venue.

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Cost savings also included not having the expense of delivering matches and events, not having any overseas players and significant savings in energy, maintenance and administration from not opening their ground.

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