Nearly half of young adults will have more Saturday nights on the sofa than they will out partying this winter, according to research

Only one in five are actually looking forward to festive events, with the same proportion likely to give their office Christmas party a miss.

Instead, 40 per cent are looking forward to cosy nights in or home parties with friends and family. And this figure rises to 49 per cent among those aged 18-25.

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But people are too shy to be honest about this - as 41 per cent admit they’re likely to pull a sickie to avoid a night out this winter.

No Christmas parties

It also emerged that with festive work parties back in full swing, one in five will be giving theirs a miss, with more than half of the no-shows admitting they simply prefer to have a night in.

And of those who are keen to shake a leg with their office mates, 48 per cent only want to go if drinks were free.

The research was commissioned by gin subscription service, Craft Gin Club, to mark the launch of its biggest gin of the month box to date for Christmas.

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Mixologist Maria Viera said: “It’s no surprise that this year, people want to balance out their various festive plans with enjoyable moments at home.

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“With less pressure to attend every given event, Craft Gin Club make it easy to create the perfect evening in - especially with friends or family, so you’ll be able to save the excuses for another time.”

It also emerged that many have also become more cost-conscious with 65 per cent feeling that nights out have become more expensive than ever before.

And one in three would rather pay for their own drinks than shell out for ‘a round’.

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Drinking their own cocktails

The study also found that following the steady return of nightlife, those polled have become more accustomed to the taste of their own cocktails, with 40 per cent preferring the taste of their own single or double measures to one made for them in a bar.

Others prefer the flavour of their spirit-based drinks at home as 52 per cent claim that concoctions made in bars are ‘too weak’.

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A classic gin and tonic was voted as the UK’s favourite cocktail (30 per cent), followed by rum and coke (20 per cent) and vodka cranberry (10 per cent).

Eight in 10 of those polled via OnePoll usually prepare a drink at home first before heading on a night out.

And the younger generation are most likely to do so, with this rising to 90 per cent of 18-25 year olds.