Join Chesterfield College in paying your respects on Armistice Day

Pictured are Chesterfield College students Chris Batty,Ryan Stafford, Liam Garner, George Woodward, Dan Repton, Jack Nuttall alongside tutors Peter Jepson, Chris Wright and Greg Proffitt with their Armistice sculpture.Pictured are Chesterfield College students Chris Batty,Ryan Stafford, Liam Garner, George Woodward, Dan Repton, Jack Nuttall alongside tutors Peter Jepson, Chris Wright and Greg Proffitt with their Armistice sculpture.
Pictured are Chesterfield College students Chris Batty,Ryan Stafford, Liam Garner, George Woodward, Dan Repton, Jack Nuttall alongside tutors Peter Jepson, Chris Wright and Greg Proffitt with their Armistice sculpture.
To pay their respects this Armistice Day, today, Tuesday, November 11, Chesterfield College students have joined forces to produce some amazing sculpture.

Students from the college’s Mechanical Engineering, Fabrication and Welding, Electrical Engineering and Vehicle Accident Repair/Respray came together to make the sculptures in honour of the armed forces and others who have lost their lives during conflicts.

Mechanical Engineering students machined component parts such as the commemorative plaque along with Fabrication and Welding who produced the leaves and petals and then constructed the sculpture before the Vehicle Accident Repair students painted the final construction.

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Electrical Engineering students provided the final touch with a light fitting.

In addition the Vehicle Accident Repair created a commemorative scene on a car bonnet through some very skilful paint spraying work.

Greg Proffitt, Fabrication and Welding Lecturer, said: “A big well done must go to the Hope Construction and LaFarge Tarmac apprentices who we teach, they played a massive part in putting this together as did the students from other areas.

“The plan is for the pieces to be shown at the World Skills Show Finals in November but after that we need to find a home for it so we’re open to suggestions anywhere locally where it won’t be shut away, so it will be for all to see.”

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Those interested in housing displaying the sculpture can call the college on 01246 500500.

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Many organisations and people will be marking Armistice and paying their respects with two minutes of silence from 11am, today, November 11, to mark the moment World War 1 Allies and Germany agreed a cessation of hostilities.

Pictured are students Chris Batty,Ryan Stafford, Liam Garner, George Woodward, Dan Repton, Jack Nuttall alongside tutors Peter Jepson, Chris Wright and Greg Proffitt.

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