Work completed to repair erosion to banks of High Peak brook

Coun Kath Sizeland views the work at Warm Brook in Chapel.Coun Kath Sizeland views the work at Warm Brook in Chapel.
Coun Kath Sizeland views the work at Warm Brook in Chapel.
An £80,000 restoration project has got a High Peak stream back on course.

Repairs have been carried out to the sides of Warm Brook in Chapel-en-le-Frith, which were being eroded at several locations.

The work, funded by High Peak Borough Council, has also included improvements to the footpath, fencing and drainage at the site.

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Coun Tony Ashton, leader of the borough council, said: “The brook was eroding the left hand bank in several locations, increasing the risk of ground slippage and posing a safety risk, so these works were essential to shore up the bank and ensure the area could remain open to the public.

“At the same time, we have taken the opportunity to further improve facilities by resurfacing the path and installing new fencing.

“I’m pleased that this investment by the council means that people can continue to enjoy visiting Warm Brook with confidence for generations to come.”

New walls have been created using pre-seeded bags filled with sand and soil to create grassed banks along the brook side.

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Chapel West ward councillor, Kath Sizeland, added: “People came to me with their concerns a while ago so I was particularly pleased that the council was able to support these works and prevent further erosion. It’s a well-used local amenity and I know local residents will appreciate the work that has been done.”