Tideswell runner's act of kindness goes viral

Good Samaritan Will BrindleyGood Samaritan Will Brindley
Good Samaritan Will Brindley
A Tideswell man who helped another runner finish the London marathon - by carrying him - has seen his act of kindness go viral.

Along with two other competitors, Will Brindley, 28, helped the man complete the final two miles of the race, after finding him at the side of the road.

The video of Will’s good deed has been shared thousands of times online and he now wants to track down the unidentified athlete to make sure he has recovered from his gruelling ordeal.

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He said: “I had just run past Parliament and was quite happily tootling home on my own when I came across this lad who couldn’t carry on.

“I got my arm around him and another runner got his other arm and we helped him over the last couple of miles.

“Then he couldn’t even do that and we actually carried him the last 200 metres with another runner.

“There has been a lot of interest from the Sun and the Mirror but none of that interests me really.

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“I’d just like to track the lad down and makes sure he is OK.”

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Will’s mum, Lynne, contacted the Buxton Advertiser after seeing the video online and says she is ‘so proud’ of her son for helping in the way he did.

She said: “He is a great lad who will do anything to help anyone and always has.”

If you know the jelly-legged jogger in the video, please get in touch on [email protected].