Thief fled store wearing stolen sports clothes

Chesterfield magistrates' court.Chesterfield magistrates' court.
Chesterfield magistrates' court.
A thief who walked out of a sports store wearing stolen shirts, jackets and jogging bottoms has been ordered to pay £235 in fines and other costs.

Chesterfield magistrates’ court heard on Tuesday, August 16, how David Graham Carline, 40, of Hardwick Drive, Arkwright Town, stole the goods from Sports World, on Meadow Lane, Shirebrook, after he had suffered from a breakdown.

Prosecuting solicitor Robert Carr said: “Staff were suspicious of Carline and saw him go into the changing rooms and there were a number of hangers left behind but there was no clothing.

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“He was spotted just outside and police were called and was wearing shirts and jackets and a number of jogging bottoms still with the price tags attached.”

Carline admitted to police that he had taken the items and had not intended to pay for them and was aiming to sell them on because he and his girlfriend were struggling for money.

The defendant pleaded guilty to the theft which happened on July 30.

Defence solicitor Steve Brint explained that Carline’s problems and offending began about five years ago when he had a breakdown.

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Mr Brint said: “Five years ago he was leading a pro-social life as a sales manager and he had a car, a house and a long-term partner but he had a breakdown in 2011 and all that he had disappeared overnight.

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“He became homeless and began to associate with people at the bus station near Queen’s Park and he was introduced to drugs and that led to the courts.”

Mr Brint added that Carline is now getting back on his feet with a new address and benefits. Magistrates took into account that Carline’s life had deteriorated and that he is now making efforts to put things right.

They fined him £120 and ordered him to pay £85 costs and a £30 victim surcharge.

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