Stalker assaulted ex after plaguing her with unwanted phone calls

Chesterfield magistrates' court.Chesterfield magistrates' court.
Chesterfield magistrates' court.
A stalker plagued his ex-girlfriend with calls and unwanted visits before he ended up assaulting her.

Chesterfield magistrates’ court heard on Wednesday, July 26, how Andrew George Ellis, 45, pushed a gate into his ex causing an injury to her head at her home on Shirland Street, Chesterfield, and had been attending her address uninvited.

Prosecuting solicitor Emma Price said: “Police received a call to attend the complainant’s home address after witnesses reported hearing a female screaming, ‘get off me’.”

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Officers identified the defendant and the complainant disclosed she had suffered an injury to her forehead from the gate, according to Mrs Price, and that Ellis had been coming to her home uninvited.

Mrs Price added: “She provided a statement saying that the relationship had ended because he had been causing distress by constant phoning and turning up uninvited when he had been told to stay away.”

Ellis turned up on July 10 and the complainant held onto the gate and he pushed it open and it hit her on the head causing a large bump and knocked her to the ground, according to Mrs Price.

The defendant told police they had been in a relationship for 18 months and he thought she was seeing someone else at the same time as him.

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Ellis said he went to the address and said he had not hurt her on purpose and he had not realised she had been behind the gate.

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He also admitted making constant phone calls as well as turning up uninvited and he apologised for the behaviour and accepts the relationship is now over.

Ellis, of Batemoor Road, Sheffield, pleaded guilty to stalking and committing assault by beating.

The complainant revealed in a victim statement that she feels unsafe in her own home and she checks every morning to see if its clear for her to leave home.

She added that she dreaded coming home because she expected him to be waiting for her.

Magistrates adjourned the case until August 2 to consider a probation service report before sentencing.