Serial driving offender disguised number plate to steal fuel

Chesterfield magistrates' court.Chesterfield magistrates' court.
Chesterfield magistrates' court.
A serial driving offender disguised his car registration plate to steal fuel from a service station.

Chesterfield magistrates’ court heard on Friday, October 6, how Luke Gregory, 25, used one vehicle twice before fleeing from Stubley Lane Service station without paying and repeated the offence with a further vehicle a third time.

Prosecuting solicitor Becky Allsop said: “There were three sets of offences all committed at the same service station where fuel was taken.

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“The registration plate had been altered using black electrical tape but police still traced a vehicle with a close matching registration number to Gregory.

“He was found trying to sell a vehicle on and he was spoken to by police.”

Gregory admitted all three offences and said he had no money to buy fuel and he had altered the registration number plates to disguise the registration.

He also admitted that his driving licence had been revoked due to an addiction to cannabis.

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Mrs Allsop added that the garage was £110.10 out of pocket after the three fuel offences.

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Gregory, of Lupton Road, at Low Edges, Sheffield, pleaded guilty to two counts of making off with fuel without paying on June 23, June 26 in one vehicle and admitted a further count committed with another vehicle on June 29.

He also pleaded guilty to three counts of driving without a licence and three counts of driving without insurance.

Defence solicitor Felicity Coats argued the fuel offences had not involved significant planning.

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She added that Gregory, who claims he has ADHD, is keen to get his driving licence back and is under-going drug tests.

Magistrates sentenced Gregory to eight weeks of custody suspended for 12 months with a Rehabilitation Activity Requirement.

He must also pay £110.10 in compensation, a £115 victim surcharge and £85 costs.

Gregory was also disqualified from driving for 12 months.