Police message to Buxton parents as fears about yobbish behaviour mount

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Police are urging parents to keep tabs on their children '“ as concerns grow about anti-social behaviour in Buxton.

Last week, officers used special powers for 20 hours to crackdown on yobbish behaviour in the town.

Sergeant Denis Murphy, of the Buxton and Fairfield Safer Neighbourhood Team, said: “We are committed to tackling anti-social behaviour in the community and will continue to work in partnership with other organisations to develop our tactics moving forward.

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“We will be speaking to young people about the issue to learn more about their needs and the possible opportunities for diversionary activities in the future.

“However, when youthful exuberance crosses the line and causes a disturbance for residents we will take action to curb this.

“As we near the end of the summer holiday season, I would encourage parents and carers to ask themselves if they are certain where their children area, if they know what they are doing and who they are with.”

Police were granted a dispersal order covering Buxton town centre and Fairfield estate between the hours of 4pm last Thursday and noon on Friday.

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The order enabled officers to break up groups of two or more people suspected of causing trouble and make them leave the designated area for 24 hours. They also had the power to take under-16s home.

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Officers applied for the dispersal order after an increase in calls about anti-social behaviour in the town last Wednesday night. The reports included claims of youths causing criminal damage in the area.

Sgt Murphy added: “It’s not clear what the catalyst for these uncharacteristic occurrences was and we are currently investigating the incidents to ascertain more information.”

Buxton resident Howard Gunn said he had seen more anti-social behaviour in the town recently – including ‘drunken stupidity’ and ‘small acts of mindless vandalism’ like that in the Pavilion Gardens last month when offenders smashed bottles, threw stones and damaged an information board.

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Mr Gunn added: “I’m not sure how much more the police are physically able to do with reduced numbers and budget constraints.”

Another Buxton resident, who did not want to be named, expressed concern about underage drinking, foul language and loud music in Spring Gardens at night. “It’s been going on for too long,” he added.

If you see anti-social behaviour in Buxton, call Derbyshire police on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.