Police appeal after 13-year-old girl assaulted in Bakewell

Call police on 101 if you have any information.Call police on 101 if you have any information.
Call police on 101 if you have any information.
Officers in Bakewell are investigating an assault on a 13-year-old girl in the town.

The assault happened on Butts Road between 8.30 and 9pm on Sunday September 25 when the girl was approached by a man. He grabbed at her and pushed her over but she managed to get up and run away. She wasn't injured.

She described the man as being white, about 30 - 40 years old. He had short brown hair and glasses and wore baggy jeans. He drove a small red hatchback car.

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She believes he followed her in his car as she walked along Matlock Street and King Street onto Butts Road.

Detective Sergeant Ed Mellor said: "I'd like to reassure the local community of Bakewell that this is very much an isolated incident and that we have had no other similar cases reported to us.

"Nevertheless as the nights draw in please stick to well-lit areas and if possible tell a friend or relative about your route and an idea of plans.

"I'm appealing to anyone with any information or sightings to help me identify this vehicle, or the man described, to contact me or Detective Constable Steve Pullar on 101, quoting reference 16000294587."

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People can also call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online www.crimestoppers-uk.org/give-information/give-information-online.