Police alert residents to secure homes following double burglary

A quantity of jewellery and electrical equipment was stolen from one home.A quantity of jewellery and electrical equipment was stolen from one home.
A quantity of jewellery and electrical equipment was stolen from one home.
Police are urging residents to take care after two homes on the same street were targeted by burglars.

Both the homes targeted were on Platt Street, Padfield, Glossop; one was targeted between 8.55pm and 9.30pm on Saturday, February 17, and the other between 8am on Friday, February 16, and 9.50am on Sunday, February 18.

One property had no items stolen after the robber or robbers where seemingly being scared off by the dog.

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However, a quantity of jewellery and electrical equipment was stolen from the other home.

SGT Nicola Bateman from Derbyshire Constabulary said: “We believe these two burglaries were probably committed by the same person or people.

“On both occasions, the offenders preyed upon insecure properties and we are urging everyone in the local area not to allow themselves to be next.

“It is little things that can leave you vulnerable; the door left unlocked, the window left open, the keys left in the door or announcing your holiday on social media – anything that makes life easier for a potential burglar.

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“Detailed safety advice is available on the Derbyshire Constabulary website here.

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“If you saw anything suspicious in the area during the weekend of 16th, 17th and 18th of February, if you’ve been offered goods you think may have been stolen, or have any information, I’d be delighted to hear from you.”

If you do have any information, please call SGT Nicola Bateman on 101, quoting reference 18000078673.

Alternatively, send her a message online by visiting the Contact Us section of our website.

You can also call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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