A-Level students thank 'amazing' Buxton Community School teachers

Buxton Community School with the celebration balloons marking their success on A-Level results dayBuxton Community School with the celebration balloons marking their success on A-Level results day
Buxton Community School with the celebration balloons marking their success on A-Level results day
Pupils at Buxton Community School will be continuing their education around the world including Oxford, Toronto and Amsterdam following successful A-Level results.

Two students have today, Thursday, August 15, secured places studying medicine, while another has an apprenticeship with making aeroplanes and one pupil is one of only 30 in the country to make it on to a fashion atelier course.

Jamie Wedgwood is the fashion student who after getting two As and B will be heading to Rochester.

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He said: "I feel really good today, I'm excited about my course and living nearer London.

Buxton Community School with the celebration balloons marking their success on A-Level results dayBuxton Community School with the celebration balloons marking their success on A-Level results day
Buxton Community School with the celebration balloons marking their success on A-Level results day

"It's not a normal fashion course it's less about design more about how things are made it's the only one in the country where sewing machines aren't used and everything is done by hand so I will learn so many skills.

"The teachers have been amazing and helped us so much and I did Film Studies which we were the first year for so it has been an experiment but we were given essays after essay too do to prepare us for the actual exams they couldn't have done more for us."

Lucy Dearden echoed his thoughts and said the teachers had been so supportive.

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She is heading to Leeds to do a foundation degree in art. "I couldn't commit to do a three year course it's so expensive and what if it's the wrong course for me?

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Lucy Dearden, Jamie Wedgwood, Elliot Thomspon, Ruth Silver with their A-Level resultsLucy Dearden, Jamie Wedgwood, Elliot Thomspon, Ruth Silver with their A-Level results
Lucy Dearden, Jamie Wedgwood, Elliot Thomspon, Ruth Silver with their A-Level results

"My plan is get an apprenticeship with a tattoo studio and that will bring in my art skills and my business head together.

"It's going to be really difficult to go to uni, I want to go but I don't want to leave. My mum is the head of sixth form and my English teacher so I have seen her so much that not seeing her every day will be really weird."

Ruth Silver has spent three years at the sixth form and is looking forward to her next challenge of doing her music degree at Newcastle University.

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The 19-year-old said: "I feel ready for uni now i'm doing what I really want to do. I play the violin and nothing interests me in the way that music does."

Sarah Bentley is heading to do an adult nursing degree at Liverpool John MooresSarah Bentley is heading to do an adult nursing degree at Liverpool John Moores
Sarah Bentley is heading to do an adult nursing degree at Liverpool John Moores

Elliot Thompson has a place waiting for him at Regent Park, Oxford University and the two A* and A student will be studying history.

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He said: "We went in to our English exam expecting the worst but the teachers prepped us so well that answering the questions felt almost automatic than having to think and struggle for answers.

"I have done as much as I can here and I'm ready and excited to take the next step."

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Sarah Bentley is now a medical student at Liverpool John Moores University and will be doing adult nursing in September.

Alex Hawley is doing an osteopath degree.Alex Hawley is doing an osteopath degree.
Alex Hawley is doing an osteopath degree.

She said: "I know its going to be long hours and lots of work but its something I want so it doesn't put me off."

Alex Hawley wants to be an osteopath having done work experience at Buxton Osteopaths and now has the grades to pursue this degree.

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He said: "I want to help people, I thought of being a physio but you don't get as long with patients but being an osteopath I will be able to help people much more I think.

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"I'm heading of to London to study and I've been picking up my mum's culinary tips over the years so I'm not too worried about living on my own."

Another student with an interesting career in front of him is Josh Howe who has been offered an apprentice place with Airbus and will be doing engineering.

He said: "I've got the grades to do the engineering course in Wales and I don't know anything about areospace so it will be a steep learning curve but one I'm really excited about and feel really lucky to have gotten a place as they are so hard to get on to."

Josh Howe has got an elusive apprenticeship with AirbusJosh Howe has got an elusive apprenticeship with Airbus
Josh Howe has got an elusive apprenticeship with Airbus

For Tom Windus he is following in his dad's footsteps and will be studying mechanical engineering at the University of Sheffield.

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He said:" My dad is a mechanical engineer and when i started to get a love of maths and physics in Year 10 he opened my eyes to the opportunities out there and now it's something that really excites me and i can't wait to start my course."

Nina Jurewicz is taking some time out after getting her A-levels results and wants to volunteer at theatres and art galleries as well as travel to Poland, where she is from, and Germany where she has family before committing to a university course.

"I'm shell shocked," she said, " I was preparing myself for the worst but I'm so pleased.

"It's been a hell of a year and the teachers have been absolute angels pushing us to the best we can be.

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"I'm going to spend some time building an art portfolio and would like in the future to apply for universities to do a fine arts course in either Edinburgh, Glasgow or London."

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Other students who collected their results today included Kezia Taylor who will be studying biochemistry at St Hugh's at Oxford, Sid Morris who be living in Amsterdam studying business and Tilly Manning is heading to the University of Toronto for her degree in economics.

Head of Sixth Form Jackie Cruse said: "I have been with this cohort for three years as I was their head of Year 11 and we moved up to the sixth form together.

"We are a tight-knit family here and when students go they are always missed but I have been so looking forward to results day just so I could catch up with everyone.

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"The care given to students doesn't stop when they walk out of the door today they will always have a place in our hearts and anything we can do down the line to help them we will.

"This year we have helped eight former students through the UCAS process so to those taking a gap year come back if you need us."

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Headteacher Craig Yates said: "The sheer level of commitment theses students have put in has been phenomenal - you don't get grades like this without truly working hard.

"And for those students not continuing on to further education or taking a break to find their feet it has been a very intense couple of years so catch their breath and take your time and find the right path for you.

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"The young people who are leaving us this year will go on to change the world, they will be influencers, politicians, doctors, engineers and designers and and we are are all so proud of you what ever you end becoming."

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