Offender is jailed after sending abusive emails

Chesterfield magistrates' courtChesterfield magistrates' court
Chesterfield magistrates' court
A convicted offender was sent back to prison after she used abusive language and threats to a probation officer who had been trying to help her.

Susan Wheatcroft, 56, of Tansley Road, North Wingfield, Chesterfield, sent offensive emails to the probation officer with swear words, abuse and a threat to stab someone, according to a Chesterfield magistrates’ court hearing.

Prosecuting solicitor Sarah Manning told the hearing on Wednesday, August 17: “Wheatcroft is on licence until February 15, next year, after she was released from prison on February 16, this year.

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“She attends weekend appointments with a probation officer and she had received emails and when police attended the defendant’s address they recovered emails sent to the probation officer.”

The probation officer had emailed Wheatcroft offering options of support for depression including a referral to a crisis team and going to see a doctor, according to the court.

Ms Manning added that Wheatcroft’s emails included a complaint from Wheatcroft that she felt she was never going to get help, she insulted the crisis team and stated that if anyone came to her they would get a knife between their eyes.

A further email also referred to Derbyshire acting differently to Northhamptonshire and she continued with more swearing and insults aimed at Derbyshire psychologists, according to Ms Manning.

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Wheatcroft told police that she had sent the emails on August 15 because she had been upset by a lack of support and she had never intended to carry out any of the threats.

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The defendant pleaded guilty to sending grossly offensive email messages.

Defence solicitor Denny Lau said Wheatcroft was frustrated with the situation and she is unwell and she believed no one was listening to her.

He added: “She wants to apologise to the probation service and the court and she never meant any of the threats she made.”

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District Judge Andrew Davison accepted that Wheatcroft had been frustrated but said that it was unacceptable to use vitriol towards a probation officer.

He sentenced Wheatcroft to six weeks of custody and she was also recalled to prison to continue serving her previous sentence until December.

Wheatcroft was also ordered to pay a £115 victim surcharge.

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