Man is narrowly spared from custody after attempting to burgle his sister's home

Chesterfield magistrates' court.Chesterfield magistrates' court.
Chesterfield magistrates' court.
A man has been given a suspended prison sentence after he tried to burgle his sister's home.

Chesterfield magistrates’ court heard on May 9 how Simon Dykes, 27, of Station Road, Whitwell, was caught by a neighbour trying to force his way into his sister’s property on Hickinwood Lane, Clowne.

Prosecuting solicitor Becky Allsop said: “The complainant is the defendant’s sister as well as her partner and they live at the address which was subject to an attempted burglary.

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“On this evening they went to the complainant’s step-brother’s address and were away.

“Their next door neighbour heard banging and looked outside and asked a male what he was doing and he said, ‘I am trying to get into my sister’s house’.”

Mrs Allsop added a call was made to Dykes’s sister and the phone was handed to the defendant and the neighbour heard the sister saying that her brother was not to go into her house.

The defendant went back to the address and tried to get into the property, according to Mrs Allsop.

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Mrs Allsop said the police were called and damage was found to the rear door of the property and a handle had been removed and the defendant had a bent butter knife.

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Dykes, who has previous convictions, claimed to police that his sister had asked him to check the property but a witness said the defendant had told them he intended “to do her over”.

The defendant pleaded guilty to attempting to enter the property as a trespasser with intent to steal after the incident on March 23.

Defence solicitor John Wilford said: “The effect of alcohol was an issue in his thinking. He has been out of trouble since 2013 and he has shown he can stay out of trouble.”

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Mr Wilford added that what happened was that Dykes had a substantial amount of alcohol when he decided to try and burgle his sister’s home.

Magistrates sentenced Dykes to six months of custody suspended for 12 months with 140 hours of unpaid work.

He was also ordered to pay a £115 victim surcharge and £85 costs.

Dykes was also given a 12 month restraining order.