Lorry driver spared ban after 45mph crash forced motorist into wall

Chesterfield magistrates' court.Chesterfield magistrates' court.
Chesterfield magistrates' court.
An HGV lorry driver narrowly escaped losing his licence and his job after he was involved in a collision that left another motorist in need of hospital treatment.

Chesterfield magistrates’ court heard on Wednesday, February 14, how Guillaume Maurice Dominique Tanqueray, 21, had collided into the back of a Ford Fiesta on the A515 road at Newhaven.

Prosecuting solicitor Becky Allsop said: “The complainant came to a stop and indicated to turn right. She was waiting for oncoming traffic to pass.

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“She was struck from the rear by the HGV vehicle and her vehicle was forced into a wall.”

The driver of the Ford Fiesta had to be cut free from her vehicle, according to Mrs Allsop, and she suffered heavy bruising to the right side of her body.

A witness said she saw the Volvo HGV and thought the driver had not seen the Ford Fiesta until it was too late and he had to put the brakes on and collided with the rear of the car at about 45mph.

Tanqueray told police he was travelling from Buxton to Ashbourne and he was following the Ford Fiesta when he claimed the car broke suddenly and he could not stop and he accepted he was responsible for the crash.

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The defendant, of Rue Carnot, Harfleur, France, pleaded guilty to driving without due care and attention after the incident on January 19.

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Defence solicitor Alan Kells said: “From the outset he has accepted responsibility and expresses remorse and he has co-operated with the police.

“He has asked me to apologise to the court for his actions.

“He fully appreciates this could have been more serious and he’s extremely grateful that it was not.”

Mr Kells added that Tanqueray was aware the complainant had been taken to hospital and he made enquiries about her condition.

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The court heard that Tanqueray is employed by a company in Normandy, France, and he undertakes deliveries around the UK but if he was to lose his driving licence he would lose his job.

Mr Kells added: “He’s a young man who has driven thousands of miles and he’s made a mistake on this occasion and he’s extremely grateful this was not more serious and he apologises fully for what has happened.”

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Magistrates fined Tanqueray £409 and ordered him to pay £85 costs and a £41 victim surcharge.

His licence was also endorsed with nine penalty points and he was warned another driving offence could see his licence endorsed with another three points which would result in a driving ban.