Helicopter flies to the aid of injured youngsters

Buxton Mountain Rescue TeamBuxton Mountain Rescue Team
Buxton Mountain Rescue Team
Buxton Moutain Rescue Team evacuated a group of injured youngsters by helicopter after they became stuck in the Edale area.

The team was called out to rescue the three casualties at Kinder Scout on the afternoon of Wednesday (July 27).

The group of young people, all aged 15 and from the Grimsby area, were staying at the Edale YHA and had been out on a guided walk on Kinder Scout as part of the National Citizens Service programme.

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As the group were progressing in Grindsbrook, one youngster aggravated a previous knee injury and despite attempting to continue her walk, she couldn’t. Shortly afterwards two more group members, who both had previous medical conditions, excacarbated their medical problems which meant they too were unable to continue their walk safely.

All three young people were taken to a Maritime and Coastguard Agency Helicopter by mountain stretcher and transferred to Sheffield Children’s Hospital for further assessments.