Fairfield residents have street party for Queen's birthday

Residents of Lathkil Grove showing their strength in men v women tug of war at the Queen's birthday street partyResidents of Lathkil Grove showing their strength in men v women tug of war at the Queen's birthday street party
Residents of Lathkil Grove showing their strength in men v women tug of war at the Queen's birthday street party
Neighbours became friends and celebrated the Queen's birthday with a street party which saw more than 200 people come together.

To mark her 91st birthday and 65 years on the throne residents of Lathkil Grove, Fairfield had a good old fashioned street party.

Tina Brown said it was so wonderful to see people enjoying the moment.

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She said: “Nowadays everyone seeks entertainment indoors and its rare that people spend much time with the people who they share a street and a community with.”
This was the third street party which had been organised resident Rose McKinney to celebrate the Queen’s milestones.

Tina said: “Everyone got into the spirit of the day and people decorated their houses, took part in games and had good honest fun.”
The oldest residents were given the honour of judging the decorated gardens and the youngsters played in the street.

Tina said: “We had tug of war and the women beat the men, egg and spoon races, bouncy castle and even a dad’s race.

“Every child got a medal because it wasn’t about winning it was about bringing people together.

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“Recently there has been a lot of tragedy so the party was about putting the happiness back.”

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Rose invited the Queen along to the celebrations earlier in the month and received a letter from Buckingham Palace which passed on Her Majesty’s “warm good wishes for a most enjoyable and memorable occasion”.

Tina added: “This street party yet and gave people a chance to talk to their neighbours and make friends. The community spirit was shining, as was the sun and we hope to do it all again next year.”

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