Derbyshire mum ‘heartbroken’ after son, 2, diagnosed with inoperable brain tumour

Morgan Gray, two, has an inoperable brain tumour. His family are now trying to raise money to take the Matlock youngster on holiday.Morgan Gray, two, has an inoperable brain tumour. His family are now trying to raise money to take the Matlock youngster on holiday.
Morgan Gray, two, has an inoperable brain tumour. His family are now trying to raise money to take the Matlock youngster on holiday.
A Matlock mum has spoken of her “utter heartbreak” after her two-year-old son was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour.

Hayley Pearson, 28, is now on a mission to raise enough money to take poorly son, Morgan Gray, to Disneyland for the holiday of a lifetime.

Hayley, of Mettesford, said Morgan was diagnosed with cancer in August this year.

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She said: “To be told he had a brain tumour was completely devastating.

Morgan Gray, two, has an inoperable brain tumour. His family are now trying to raise money to take the Matlock youngster on holiday.Morgan Gray, two, has an inoperable brain tumour. His family are now trying to raise money to take the Matlock youngster on holiday.
Morgan Gray, two, has an inoperable brain tumour. His family are now trying to raise money to take the Matlock youngster on holiday.

“This type of thing happens to other people, or on television, you just don’t expect it to happen to you.”

Hayley said doctors are unable to operate on Morgan because the tumour is on his brain stem – which makes surgery far too risky.

She said: “Morgan could die tomorrow, it could be months, he could live for many years, doctors just can’t tell us.

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“That’s why we just want to spend as much time together as a family. We took things for granted before, but you don’t realise that until something like this happens. I would love just to have my normal, boring, happy and healthy family life back.”

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Morgan Gray, two, has an inoperable brain tumour. His family are now trying to raise money to take the Matlock youngster on holiday.Morgan Gray, two, has an inoperable brain tumour. His family are now trying to raise money to take the Matlock youngster on holiday.
Morgan Gray, two, has an inoperable brain tumour. His family are now trying to raise money to take the Matlock youngster on holiday.

Hayley said she wants to take Morgan to Disneyland, in Paris, with his two brothers, two sisters, and dad Stephen Gray, 28.

She said: “Morgan has never had a holiday before and we just want to make as many happy memories as possible.”

Hayley said the diagnosis has been hard on Morgan’s siblings too, who have had to spend lots of time with grandparents and friends.

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“When Morgan was taken into hospital, they initially said he would be in for a week,” said Hayley. “But that was in August and he has been in constantly.”

She added: “Morgan has been really poorly with infections in hospital. It just feels like anything that could go wrong has gone wrong.”

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Hayley said Morgan has had eight surgeries and 15 general anaesthetics

She said Morgan had been ill for months before the diagnosis.

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Hayley said he was vomiting every day, but because he had eczema, everybody believed he was suffering with food allergies.

It was not until doctors gave him an MRI scan in August that the devastating diagnosis was learned.

If you would like to help send this deserving family on holiday, visit

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