Derbyshire fire service faces 'challenging times ahead'

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Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Service has revealed it needs to cut a further £1.6million from its budget over the next four years.

The service - which has already saved more than £6.9m in the last four years as a result of Government cuts - has released a document outlining its plans for 2017-2021.

Chief Fire Officer and Chief Executive Terry McDermott said: "The service is still facing significant financial challenges.

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"We have already saved more than £6.9m from our annual budgets and it is now anticipated that a further £1.6m saving is required over the next four years.

"Through considered financial management and long-term planning, the service is in a strong position to meet these challenges and is able to create sustainable plans for 2021 and beyond.

"The service and its workforce have some challenging times ahead."

The document - which reveals firefighters attended more than 6,500 incidents in 2015-16 - states the service will 'continue to ensure that duplication is minimised'.

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It adds: "We will look at resources we have and make sure they are matched to the risks in each area of Derbyshire.

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"We will undertake more joint-working projects reviewing services and assets which will benefit Derbyshire communities and save money."

The service wants residents to have their say on the document. You can do so here.