Derbyshire County Council responds to concerns that 'potholes aren't being repaired properly'

There are currently 2,500 potholes on Derbyshire's roads which need fixing.There are currently 2,500 potholes on Derbyshire's roads which need fixing.
There are currently 2,500 potholes on Derbyshire's roads which need fixing.
Derbyshire County Council (DCC) has responded to criticism about the quality of pothole repairs in the area.

We have been contacted by many people who are concerned that the council is not carrying out proper repairs to potholes on Derbyshire's roads.

Commenting on Twitter, @redwineimbiber said: "The potholes that have been repaired on main roads in Buxton have simply had a load of tarmac dumped in and flattened with no attempt to seal the edges. Won't last long!"

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@ChesterfieldBoy said: "Questions need to be asked about the quality of the materials being used to resurface the roads nowadays."

On Facebook, Neil Webb said: "They want to repair them properly in the first place instead of just popping some tarmac in to wash away during the next day of rain. Useless."

Andrew Mckinley said: "They are not doing proper repairs. They do such a bad job in the first place and a couple of weeks later they need doing again."

Kyle Longden added: "They need to learn how to fix them properly. Talk about a waste of money."

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A DCC spokesman reponded: "This year we've experienced the worst winter weather to hit Derbyshire for 10 years and there's no doubt these conditions have taken their toll on our roads.

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"Our aim is always to make pothole repairs permanent. But there will always be some cases where we have to make a temporary fix in order to make the road safe, followed by a more extensive permanent repair later. This is often the case when potholes are particularly large or where temporary traffic lights are needed to carry out the repair safely.

"We've brought in extra road workers and equipment to help clear the backlog and staff will be working longer hours including at weekends to bring our roads back up to standard as quickly as possible."