Dangerous moped rider crashed into car after riding on a footpath

Chesterfield magistrates' court.Chesterfield magistrates' court.
Chesterfield magistrates' court.
A dangerous moped rider crashed into a car after he had been riding on a public footpath.

Chesterfield magistrates’ court heard on Thursday, August 31, how Callum Reece Palfreyman, 21, of Penncroft Drive, Danesmoor, at Clay Cross, had been riding on the footpath leading from Brassington Street, to Hetton Drive, at Clay Cross, when he crashed into the side of a motorist’s vehicle as she was parking in her drive.

Prosecuting solicitor Lynn Bickley said: “He was driving his moped on a cul-de-sac at Brassington Street on a footpath leading to a cut-through to Hetton Drive.

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“A motorist crossed the footpath as she was going into her drive and the defendant rode into the side of her vehicle and went over the her bonnet.”

Mrs Bickley added that Palfreyman stayed at the scene of the crash and gave his licence details but left temporarily before returning when police arrived.

CCTV footage also showed, according to Mrs Bickley, that Palfreyman’s vision would have been obscured from the footpath by a fence just before the collision.

Palfreyman pleaded guilty to driving a vehicle dangerously after the collision on June 17.

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Defence solicitor Gavin Hague said Palfreyman made full admissions to police and he had only left the scene temporarily because other neighbours had become involved and the situation had become “boisterous” but he had returned when police arrived.

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Mr Hague added that Palfreyman also suffered bruising and a chipped bone to his shin and he may lose his job at a DFS wood mill if he loses his driving licence.

Magistrates, who considered a probation report, sentenced Palferyman to a 12 month community order and 120 hours of unpaid work.

He was also ordered to pay £85 costs and an £85 victim surcharge and was banned from driving for 12 months.

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