Drug-plagued vandal is spared from jail after smashing windows

Chesterfield magistrates' court.Chesterfield magistrates' court.
Chesterfield magistrates' court.
A drug-troubled vandal who smashed windows at an off-licence, a pizzeria and a bar has narrowly been spared from prison.

Chesterfield magistrates’ court heard on November 20 how Kristina Sliskova, 29, of Sherwood Road, Buxton, caused thousands of pounds of damage after smashing windows at the Beer District and Pizza Express, at Cavendish Arcade, and at the Red Willow bar, at Cavendish Circus, in Buxton.

Prosecuting solicitor Anthony Cheung said: “On August 26, 2019, at approximately 4.49am, a call from the public notified police that windows at Pizza Express at the Cavendish Arcade had been smashed.”

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Mr Cheung added that blood was found at one of the crime scenes and the sample provided a DNA match with the defendant.

Sliskova, who is a Latvian national, told police she had been under the influence of something and she did not know why she had caused the damage.

The defendant pleaded guilty to three counts of causing damage including offences at the Beer District off-licence valued at £1,700, at Pizza Express valued at £2,414.98 and at the Red Willow pub valued at £100.

Mr Cheung also said Sliskova had committed the offences while she was subject to a community order which had been imposed for a fraud matters.

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Defence solicitor Deanne McGinty said: “There were concerns in relation to drugs. In terms of the defendant it is the first time I have met her but she has been a long-standing client with our mental health team.”

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Ms McGinty added that Sliskova has mental health problems which have been made worse by her use of drugs.

She said: “She put herself in this position by using drugs. She is not trying to use mental health problems to get out of the situation but they surfaced in relation to an illicit use of alcohol or drugs.”

Ms McGinty explained Sliskova has turned to drugs while her mother, who is in Latvia, has been battling serious illness.

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Magistrates sentenced Sliskova to six weeks of custody suspended for 12 months with a Drug Rehabilitation Requirement and a Rehabilitation Activity Requirement.

Sliskova was ordered to pay compensation.