Crash motorist was nearly three times the drink-drive limit

Drink-driving breathalyser.Drink-driving breathalyser.
Drink-driving breathalyser.
A drink-driver crashed into a parked vehicle and overturned her car when she was nearly three times the drink-drive limit.

Chesterfield magistrates’ court heard on December 13 how Claire Louise Buttle, 46, of Wolds Rise, Matlock, had crashed on her own road in a Toyota Yaris.

Prosecuting solicitor Becky Allsop said: ”Police attended the road traffic collision on Wolds Rise where a Toyota Yaris was overturned on the road after it was driven by the defendant.

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“She smelled of alcohol and said she had had a drink and in fact she said she had had quite a few.

“She collided with a parked vehicle and she was taken to hospital as a precautionary measure.”

Buttle pleaded guilty to exceeding the drink-drive limit after registering 227 milligrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood when the legal limit is 80 milligrames of alcohol.

She told police she had consumed several pints of Peroni lager when she normally drinks lager-tops.

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Defence solicitor Rob Sowter said Buttle has seen the incident as a wake-up call after she has had an issue with alcohol after her former partner had passed away.

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District Judge Andrew Davison said he was satisfied Buttle had shown remorse and he felt that it would be unlikely this offence would be repeated.

He fined Buttle £400 and ordered her to pay £85 costs and a £40 victim surcharge.

Buttle was also disqualified from driving for two years.