Council approves cut to opening times at Buxton Museum and Art Gallery

Buxton Museum and Art Gallery, on Terrace Road.Buxton Museum and Art Gallery, on Terrace Road.
Buxton Museum and Art Gallery, on Terrace Road.
Opening hours at the Buxton Museum and Art Gallery are to change next year, saving Derbyshire County Council around £30,000 a year.

The council-run museum and art gallery, on Terrace Road, is currently open from 9.30am to 5.30pm Tuesday to Friday, and until 5pm on Saturday. It also opens from 10.30am to 5pm on Sundays and bank holidays from Easter to the end of September.

But from January 2, 2018, it will open from 10am to 5pm on Tuesday to Saturday and from noon to 4pm on Sundays and bank holidays from Easter to the end of September. The changes were approved at a meeting of the council’s cabinet on Thursday.

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Coun Barry Lewis, council leader and cabinet member for strategic leadership, culture and tourism, said: “These are small but necessary changes which will help us to make savings while still providing excellent access to the museum’s collections.

“The modest reduction in the opening hours will be offset by significant improvements in 24-hour digital access via a web app that can be accessed wherever you are. When open, the museum will also have more objects on show and display more information about them in our new Wonders of the Peak gallery.”

The council ran a six-week consultation this summer asking people to comment on the proposals to reduce the opening hours from 39.5 to 35 hours a week.

It also issued an appeal for volunteers, resulting in several people, including students, coming forward. The museum is also talking to the University of Derby about more volunteering opportunities for students.

Anyone interested in volunteering can contact Ros Westwood on 01629 533540 or email [email protected].