Chrome Hill rescue for walker with broken ankle

Buxton Mountain Rescue Team preparing the stretcher at the casualty site with Chrome Hill in the background.Buxton Mountain Rescue Team preparing the stretcher at the casualty site with Chrome Hill in the background.
Buxton Mountain Rescue Team preparing the stretcher at the casualty site with Chrome Hill in the background.
A walker who slipped on mud and was left with a suspected broke her ankle had to be carried down to a waiting ambulance by Buxton Mountain Rescue Team.

The call out came at just before 2pm on Saturday, February 24 to an injured walker between Chrome Hill and Tor Rock south of Buxton.

Keith Birkitt, Deputy Team Leader, said: “The walker, a 41-year-old female, was out with a walking group from the West Midlands had slipped on the very muddy path and sustained a suspected broken ankle.”

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After being given pain relief, the casualty was evacuated on a mountain rescue stretcher to an ambulance near Stoop Farm. Members of the walking party, which by now were overdue, were ferried back to their accommodation in Longnor by team members.

A second call out came at just before 7pm and the Buxton team joined up with Kinder Mountain Rescue Team to find three lost walkers.

Keith said: “The walkers, from the Stockport area, were benighted in sub-zero temperatures somewhere on the southern edge of Kinder Scout.

“They were found very cold but uninjured by a Buxton Team search party on the ridge extending south from Crowden Towers.”
After re-warming in a shelter tent, the walkers were escorted back to their vehicles in Edale.