Boozed-up son slapped and kneed mum after drinking 15 cans of lager

Chesterfield magistrates' court.Chesterfield magistrates' court.
Chesterfield magistrates' court.
A booze-fuelled son slapped and kneed his mother in the groin during a vicious attack after an argument erupted at her home.

Chesterfield magistrates’ court heard on Wednesday, July 27, how Peter Tucker, 40, had visited his mum Carol Long’s home at Berwin Close, Long Eaton, and an argument developed after he refused to leave and he attacked her.

Prosecuting solicitor Sarah Haslam said: “The victim had been at her home with her ex-husband who was assisting with problems she was having with her front door.

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“Her son knocked on the window and he was let in by the father and the defendant was in a bad mood and he asked sarcastically if they were locking the front door on him and he began arguing.”

Ms Haslam added that Tucker repeatedly refused to leave and as his mum grabbed his arm he pulled away and hit her in the face with an open palm and caused a nose bleed.

His mother slapped him back, according to Ms Haslam, and tried to get him out but he kneed her in the groin area and her ex-husband was pushed as he tried to get the defendant away.

Ms Haslam added: “The defendant’s mother tried to get her mobile phone out of the front room but Tucker got the phone and threw it and she was scared he was going to head-butt her.

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“He followed her into the kitchen and her ex-husband called for another family member to come and assist.”

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Tucker’s mother was also struck on either side of the face as she fell on the stairs, according to Ms Haslam, and she pulled his hair to get him away before he was forced out of the property.

The defendant was arrested nearby and was found with a small amount of cannabis for which he received a caution.

Fire protection worker Tucker, of Leston Close, Rainham, Essex, pleaded guilty to assault by beating after the incident on April 29.

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The probation service explained Tucker had had 15 cans of Stella Artois lager and had been unable to control his actions but was remorseful.

Defence solicitor Bob Sowter said Tucker he has been suffering from depression, anxiety and stress with child access difficulties.

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Magistrates sentenced Tucker to a 12 month community order with a Rehabilitation Activity Requirement.

He was also ordered to pay £250 costs and an £85 victim surcharge.

Magistrates also imposed a 12 month restraining order on Tucker banning him from contacting his mother.

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