Parents reassured as Derbyshire schools prepare to reopen doors next month

Pupils have been out of school since March but are set to return next month.Pupils have been out of school since March but are set to return next month.
Pupils have been out of school since March but are set to return next month.
Parents across Derbyshire are being reassured as schools prepare to reopen their doors to all pupils in September.

Derbyshire County Council is supporting schools, pupils and parents as they adjust to the ‘new normal’ way of life in a bid to minimise the spread of coronavirus, but start face to face learning.

There will be a range of extra safety measures in schools such as extra cleaning, reducing the amount contact between different year groups and staff, ensuring that anyone with coronavirus symptoms, or who has someone in their household who does, does not attend school, as well as cleaning hands thoroughly and more often than usual.

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Derbyshire County Council’s cabinet member for young people, councillor Alex Dale, said: “I’d like to thank our school staff for all their hard work during this difficult time.

“We understand that parents and pupils might be anxious about returning to school in September and we want to reassure them that schools are doing everything they can to minimise the spread of coronavirus and they will be communicating with parents throughout.

“Pupils have been out of school since March, and it is now time for them all to return to the classroom.

“We have now received the full guidance on school transport from the government and are encouraging pupils to travel safely to school by walking with someone, cycling or in a car if they can.

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“Where this is not possible school transport will continue to be provided for pupils that are entitled to it and for those that pay to use it where available.

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“As we only received the full school transport guidance last week, and have not yet finished working through all the implications, it is likely that we will be putting on a small number of extra vehicles.”

Where possible, pupils are being encouraged to walk, cycle or travel by car instead of using school transport.

School meals will still be served to the same strict criteria set by the government. The council’s catering service has worked with all schools to find solutions that work for them. Meals will either be served as usual in school halls, or will be delivered to each classroom.

For more information about returning to school, visit