East Midlands parents make sacrifices to buy Christmas gifts for their children

Christmas giftsChristmas gifts
Christmas gifts
Cash-strapped parents in the East Midlands have slashed spending on themselves so they can afford Christmas or birthday presents for their children.

A poll of parents in the region showed that 60 percent have cut back so they can splash out on their offspring.

The survey commissioned by UK charity Action for Children shows that more than a third (38 per cent) regularly struggle to make their money last to the end of the month, making the festive season particularly difficult.

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Nearly half (56 per cent) have also had to cut back on themselves to afford essentials like food, clothes and transport for their children.

Laurie Long, operational director at Action for Children in the East Midlands, said: “Parents want to give their children a magical Christmas, and this places a lot of pressure on them to spend.

“When so many of the region’s parents already struggle to make their money last with everyday living costs, Christmas can spark a crisis of stress, bills and debt.

“Parents worried about their money situation should seek help now to prepare for Christmas and to avoid the dreaded day in January when the bills land on the mat.

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“Seeing how many parents struggle to make their money last from month to month is also a reminder of the difficult financial situation many people face every day with lower real incomes than before the recession. Many parents face these challenges simply because they have so little income. The Government must consider the importance of family income and how to maintain it in the wider economic environment.”

Action for Children provides access to money advice at many of its 200 children’s centres. For information, visit www. actionforchildren.org.uk